

miles: ??

Note: photos will (again) be featured at the bottom.

Two passes in one. day.

What were we thinking?

It wasn't too bad, actually. But it definitely battered us enough that it made the next (hardest) day intensely arduous - Muir Pass is next.

The day started off with us packed, and getting out of camp before almost everyone else, which is a good feeling. We weren't bothered by bears - also GOOD. No sign of Chik Chak and Starfox. We will take a long lunch and wait for them there, we decided.

This post is mostly going to be photos. Words do not describe the amazingness well enough. I'll keep the jabber to a minimum.

First up? Pinchot Pass.

Next up? Mather Pass. Which was a fun one.

Looking forward toward Pinchot Pass

Just some snow travel...

The view from the top of Pinchot Pass.

A very very very bold chipmunk.

Rocky just stretchin' as usual.

Top of pass stretch.

I'm not fond of slippery snow.

Pinchot had a beautiful red hue.

Look at this LAKE CLARITY

Rocky still has a compact lil' pack even with the bear canister.



Sour Cream jumps in everything. No matter how cold.

Approaching Mather Pass in the afternoon.


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Mather Pass getting closer, and looking really really easy (from afar) - you see the low point? That's the pass we are going over.

Mather Pass closer.

The increasingly beautiful views behind me.

We're about to climb.

The trail up Mather. I was ACTUALLY THE FIRST ONE UP (ahead of the boys - for once).

Looking back down at the switchbacks, Rocky and Sour Cream climb.

At the top!

At the top!

At the top!

Descending Mather Pass.... There was actually quite a bit of snow.

The trail.

Ben hoisted up on a rock taking flower photos.

Dusk - found ourselves in treeless lake basins, high up in elevation. Can't hang a bear bag (still have extra food outside the bear canister). I'm panicking. I do not want to sleep with my food in the tent another night.

Looking back.  Moon is out!

Our evening campsite hunt. We settled on Pallisade Lake - mosquitos, freezing, and hopefully bear-free!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thyra!! These last few pics are just great, beautiful and peaceful, so peaceful, I want to be there! How can I escape and be there? I so enjoyed the postcard received today!!! We miss you so much, the changes at work are sooooo different, there should be a blog about it, for real....there really needs to be!!!!
You are in cooler weather now and we have had the heat turned up in Pdx to HOT/HUMID, looking to cool down after the 4th. Take care on the trail and be safe :) Kristine