

miles: 0

Yes. We went to the Oregon Coast.

On the morning of August 15th we boarded our ride to Portland from Ashland. Siddhartha aka Jeff Kish, let us hitch a ride with him across the entire state of Oregon. Thank you again Siddhartha!! SERIOUSLY.

His van is his home, and man is it awesome. The photos below depict his van-converted-into-living-space, but they don't do it justice. It is such a cool space.

Siddhartha, me, Rocky
Since these 5 days were not spent on trail, I will summarize them briefly. I haven't done this yet, but I feel it isn't necessary to go into detail about everything we did on our break, mostly because we basically just relaxed.

What we did:

Went to happy hour once and saw a few friends.
Went to New Seasons.
Went to Tin Shed. (THANK YOU LINDSAY!!)
Went to Lovejoy Bakers.
Went to Porque No.
Went to Hotlips.
Went to Meg and Rian's beautiful wedding in Oceanside, OR.
Went mad trying to resupply.
Shopped for hours.
Packed for hours.
Shipped the rest of our resupply boxes to all of our Oregon and Washington stops.
Had a few nice meals with Ben's family.
Saw Nancy and Lulu which made us nostalgic for our old basement apartment.
Laid down.
Elevated our feet.
Enjoyed hot showers.
Drank good coffee.
Had Stumptown coffee.
Slept a lot.

Too good to be true.

Small happy hour with friends.

Small happy hour with friends. I know - not the best photo guys...

Resupply mayhem. 

Ben and I resupplied and packed our food boxes on different levels of the house.

Food food food for Oregon and Washington!

Ben, upstairs, going crazy.

Packing baggies full of Nido (dehydrated milk).

My daily daydream on the trail.



The bride and groom.

Just... a lovely night.

All 7 of Ben's resupply boxes. Ready to be shipped.

All 7 of my resupply boxes.
I would just like to say THANK YOU again to Jon and Chris for letting Ben and I take over their home for the few days that we stayed in Portland. I know that we were gross, smelly, and messy and you still let us stay and spread out AND you fed us delicious home cooked meals! Thank you a million, it was such a comfortable place to spend a much needed break!

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