miles: 23
Panther Creek --> Blue Lake
Last night we reached camp just as it was getting dark. Our home for the night: Panther Creek, nestled in the dark woods amongst the many road junctions. Dirt roads. Gravel roads. All kinds of roads in these parts. Realized in the morning there was a real campground nearby, this being the reason for all of the traffic/voices/roads.
Human traffic means trash and trash means mice.
We were visited by many mice last night as we ate dinner in the dark on some logs. Luckily none made their way into our tent.
This morning brought an early start - we had our first HUGE Washington climb and we wanted to get an early start when it was still cool.
Oh! That's something interesting: it has been unseasonably HOT here in Washington so far... Our backs are chronically sweaty. Just..... muggy.
Back chafing continues to be a problem for me and I diligently clean, care for and bandage my back wounds.
Panther Creek Camp. |
Mt. Hood in the distance. |
Mt. Adams getting closer and closer. |
Mt. Adams. |
The climb was long and arduous, particularly in the heat, but we made it to the top and took a long break at the first spring available.
The forest today. |
Dr. Slosh at our late lunch break (4pm) |
Pack explosion. |
Rocky at our late lunch break (4pm) sometimes the only suitable place for lunch is on the actual trail itself. |
Welcome to Indian Heaven Wilderness. |
Lakes. |
"Indian Heaven Wild." |
The views, for the most part, were minimal today except once we entered the Indian Heaven Wilderness (around sunset hour) and we were blown away by fall colors.
Getting closer and closer to Mt. Adams. |
Mushrooms that look like flapjacks. |
The second half of the day brought more views than the first as we entered Indian Heaven Wilderness... more climbing, more views, more of Mt. Adams. Less of Mt. Hood. Goodbye Mt. Hood!
Our destination was Blue Lake and when we arrived it was quite the bustling metropolis! There were day hikers, weekend backpackers and thru-hikers littering the lake. We barely found a spot to camp! This whole trip we have been lucky to have found ample camping with relative ease, never having to compete for sites. We haven't ever hiked in a huge group, or been clustered with folks so it has has been very easy for us to plop down our stuff and set up our tent right away, as opposed to having to hunt for a site.
Hunting around is the last thing I like to do at the end of the day. The first order of business for me is to get my backpack off of my back ASAP, then shoes, then sit down. Tonight was a bit frustrating but we managed to find a campsite tucked away and Dr. Slosh and Smiles joined us soon after.
Oh, and Blue Lake is gorgeous, however, I didn't snag any photos because it was dark by the time we got there.
Ben in the morning at our Blue Lake Campsite. |
More flapjacks. |
1 comment:
i'm still following. great story!
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