

This morning's cows. Didn't even budge.
miles: 9

These cows were aggggrressssiiivvvee. 

Creep camp wake up brought hysterics. Starfox had a dream that involved tigers and murder, Ben had insane dreams as well... it was a very strange, still, eerie night. We were happy to break camp and fly down to Walker Pass, eager to see if there would be Trail Magic of some sort...

Angela and I dropped back behind the rest and were hobbling downhill together, pretty beat up. Also, we were battling stubborn cows. We fantasized about foods and talked about the challenges of the trail. Once Walker Pass was in sight, our pace quickened, slightly. Do we see cars? Are those trailers? Are those pop-ups and people?


As we turned off of the PCT to head down to the trail magic mecca, I couldn't hold back emotion. Tears came... tears of joy. This doesn't happen to me all that often, but I was overwhelmed with relief that there would be cold drinks and chairs down there.

It was Okie Girl! She had given us a ride from Julian to Kick Off a few months ago! IT WAS SO GOOD TO SEE HER!!! What a pleasant surprise. We hugged and caught up, pulling up chairs, cracking cold beers and sodas. The shady oasis that was Walker Pass Trail Magic is hard to describe.

Pure joy.

What I found when I got to the Trail Magic.

Chik Chak and Starfox. 

S. Cream eating some chips.

These people are so unbelievable! Yogi (yes the infamous Yogi - who's guide we follow everyday) was even there helping out. We would meet her this evening when she returned from town.

I could not. believe. what. was. happening.

After numerous sodas and a beer, Ben and I hobbled down to a nearby spring to wash our clothes, faces, and bodies. It was about 100 degrees out, hottest it has been in a while. This section is notorious for being pretty demanding, physically and mentally, and it definitely had been getting to me. I daydreamed of the Sierras and what it would be like to not be scorched every day. We were still quite a ways away from the high Sierras, we had to get to Kennedy Meadows first! (just a few days away)

Okie Girl let us (Sour Cream, Pants on Fire, Starfox, Busted, Rocky and I) pile into the back of her (covered) truck bed and gave us a lift to Onyx, California, where we had resupply packages waiting for us.

Busted had some mysterious bug bites on her back that included a ring around them (like a bullseye) and after much feedback from other hikers, decided it would be wise to hitch into town and get it looked over by a Doctor. So... Starfox, Ben and I were dropped off at the Onyx P.O. where we were to wait for the rest of the car load to return from Lake Isabella.

It took 4 hours for our ride to reappear. The P.O. had closed at 3pm (2 hours earlier) and the three of us entertained ourselves in the semi-cool sanctuary of the P.O. while we waited. It was challenging at times. Every 30 minutes or so something would well up inside of me and I'd almost lose it, and Starfox and/or Ben would talk me down and keep the peace. We actually wound up having quite a good time together in our cabin fever situation. We collectively attempted a crossword puzzle, we read all of the posters, we analyzed the grease stains on the windows (what part of the body did that person open the door with?), we sang, we laid on all of the available surfaces, we tried to open mailboxes, Ben tried to get in a large mailbox for packages, we opened the mail shoot that leads into the back of the P.O. and let the A/C breeze flow onto our faces, we played with the flagpole, we chatted with the locals who were getting off of work to check their mail, I attempted Sudoku for the first time..... all the while, trying DESPERATELY not to eat our resupply food packages (that were melting, even inside the "cool" Post Office).

Outside it was about 100 degrees. If we had been forced to sit outside and wait for Okie Girl, all of our chocolate bars would have melted together. Thank goodness the P.O. area is open all of the time.

Before the P.O. closed, the P.O. master working there allowed us in the back (maybe this is illegal? it felt highly illegal) and let us use the real restrooms and drink from the cold water fountain! THIS WAS AMAZING.

Starfox filled up his new Sawyer Squeeze water bladder with cold water, and I honestly do not know what we would have done if we hadn't had that water. We all shared it, sipping from it periodically... thirsty as hell, while we waited.

Finally Okie Girl appeared! Busted was okay, but had had a time at the Urgent Care Center while the Doctors did blood work, suspecting Lyme's Disease... Eeeeesh.

We caravan'ed back to the Magical Magic of Trail Magic where Yogi had cooked everyone Spaghetti!! Oh. My. God. okaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay. Spaghetti paradise. After dinner, we decided to stay the night there at the Walker Pass Campground so that we could take advantage of the pancakes that were being served at 5:00am the next morning, served, again, by Yogi herself.

Sour Cream, Ben (Rocky), and I were scheming to make it the 50 miles to Kennedy Meadows in 2 days. Two 25 mile days and we'd be at the gateway to the Sierras... Hell. Yeah.


lauren ashley said...

Is Ben's toenail painted red?

Unknown said...

Lauren Ashley, Ben's toenails were all orange at one point... I think you are seeing the remnants... :)