

miles: 28.5

As you may have noticed, we've upped the miles quite a bit recently. We did this gradually, although it may seem sudden. Today we did almost 29 miles. This is a new record for us.

We are pushing hard through this section (Burney --> Castella/Dunsmuir/Shasta City) due to time restrictions, all three of us have actually.

Today was gentle and mild and Manchurian, Ben and I split the day up into thirds again, while Dr. Slosh took one long break at the McCloud River. This meant he pushed 18.5 miles out before he took lunch in order to get to the river. He wanted to spend the afternoon fishing.


Every day inching closer and closer to Shasta.

Look who it is!

Ben among giants.

Spotted Dr. Slosh along the McCloud River at 4:00pm.

Dr. Slosh elevating his feet.
We ran into some friendly campers and managed to yogi some sodas off of them. I cannot emphasize enough how elated we are to receive cold beverages, whatever they may be.

They might not look like it to you, but these toes are swollen sausages.
Dead person feet.

My feet are killing me. It's like it is week one all over again! Hobbling up to the 100 mile marker in the dark, feet ablaze. It's like that.


AndI have new shoes! I got some shoes mailed to me in Chester, and yes, they were "used" but lightly. I'm beginning to think I may need to purchase a brand new pair from REI soon... This foot pain and hobble speed is not sustainable.

Ben is always so good about icing.

Manchurian taking an icy swim.
At 6:00pm we realize we've lingered a little too long and we must hike hike hike hike on.

The goal is 30 for the day but we will stop if it gets too dark. There is also a giant climb up and out of the McCloud River and we want to make sure to get it out of the way tonight. Dr. Slosh blazed ahead while Manchurian, Ben and I played word games for the beginning portion of the climb. Ben and I had been playing a game (we call "categories", but perhaps there is a real name for this?) where we just take turns listing different things in particular categories. For instance: Dog Breeds. Take turns listing all of the dog breeds you can think of and when someone can't think of one (and you cannot repeat any) they are out.

Very simple games like this get me through the day.

By the latter half of the climb, the three of us resorted to our iPods and powered up the hill in whatever we we knew how. Dusk upon us, we resorted to sleeping at the tip-top of the climb on an old, bumpy, dirt road in a slightly creepy type of forest.

1 comment:

Erin said...

Hi Thyra,

I have been reading your blog since you started the trail, but I haven't been commenting much (sorry!).

Regarding your foot pain - have you tried insoles that are actually made for distance running/walking (meaning they won't shred in a week a la Dr. Scholls)? I use Superfeet, and they are pretty awesome. There are different kinds depending on how you walk, but these are the ones I have http://www.amazon.com/Superfeet-Green-Premium-Insoles-Womens/dp/B0033BPBD4/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1378914597&sr=8-1&keywords=superfeet. You basically take the insoles that came with your shoes out and replace them with these.

I don't know if I would go balls out with switching insoles though. Maybe save the Brooks ones and switch them out every few hours for a week or so until your feet get used to the new ones so you don't end up causing yourself more pain. It might be worth a try.

Happy trails! I really enjoy reading your blog and looking at your beautiful pictures. I hope to do the trail some time in the next few years as well. I have to finish grad school first.