

miles: 14.5?

Thanks to another hiker (who already had reserved and paid for a spot at the bustling, booked Crater Lake Campground), we were able to stay for free at a primo camp site. When we arrived at Mazama Village last night, we were informed, to our dismay, that everything was booked, even every campsite. Determined to find a flat camp spot after dark, we eventually weaseled our way into a spot at another section hikers camp site. LUCKY us.

We slept in a little today and moseyed down to the restaurant for some coffee and a pancake breakfast before heading out toward Crater Lake - we had not yet seen the lake. Once we had picked up our resupply boxes, sorted through all of our gear, and were ready to go, we headed out toward Rim Village (the visitor center at the top of Crater Lake. Those 4 miles were steep uphill, especially challenging with a freshly heavy food bag and 4 liters of water. There would not be water for 20 miles (one of our dry, waterless stretches) so we had to fill up at the last creek crossing on our way up the rim.

Carrying 4 liters of water is no fun.

Once on top of Crater Lake, the view was spectacular! Neither of us had ever been to Crater Lake (a shame considering I am true Oregonian, born and raised, and Ben has lived here for years!) and we were very excited to take in the view. We had to hurry, however, because Ben's dad was meeting us down were the Equestrian PCT hooks back up with the Hiker PCT. The clouds were rolling in, the wind was dialing up a notch, and we were suffering under our heavy packs up and down the rolling rim trail. That trail was quite rugged for being so touristy!

What a table looks like when hikers take it over and spread out. 

The folks at Mazama Village Store were kind enough to let us bogart the picnic tables and surrounding areas.

Ben, always fixing something. 

Constant tent repair.


It was interesting to see our views of Wizard Island shift as we went around the lake.

This was a very nice sign at the trailhead off of the highway.Very thorough.

Ben's dad took him for a spin when we got to our final camp spot.

Camping along the Equestrian PCT.

Ben and his dad setting up a tent.

Drying out our limp, moist, unhappy sleeping bags.

Ben's dinner consists of cheese, meat sticks and a protein shake.

Dinner with dad.


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