

miles: 20

I would just like to start with: THANK YOU Justin and Heather for letting us stay the night, not once, but twice at your home in Ashland. The second time - unannounced! We had a blast.

Last night we accidentally stayed the night in Ashland again, even though we meant to hike out on the 19th. It is now August 20th and we are behind schedule once again, but are trying to be calm about it.

Some pics from last nights festivities:

Standing Stone Brewery.

We met up with Smiles and Dr. Slosh AND Dan from Shasta City! Crazy! left to right: Dan, Heather, Justin, me, Ben and Dr. Slosh and Smiles in the back. 
We went to dinner at Standing Stone Brewery and were shocked when we saw Dan there. Dan from Shasta City! He had made it to Ashland in his van and was having some repairs done to it while he was in town. We also magically met up with Smiles and Dr. Slosh. It was quite the reunion...

In the morning Justin had to go to work early so he dropped Ben and I off at a local coffee shop while we waited for our ride to the trail. Siddhartha had contacted his parents, who happen to live in Ashland, and arranged a ride for us! Steve would be picking us up first thing in the morning and bringing us back to the trail. THANK YOU AGAIN STEVE!

I can't believe all of the kindness we have received lately. It really makes me feel warm and fuzzy but also a bit indebted to all of these kind people. I promise to pay it forward.

Anyways, the hiking out of Ashland was unremarkable and... dare I say it? Boring? It was a lot of oak, dried grasses and fields. There were a few nice views, but otherwise it was a little creepy. Ben and I finally stopped hiking at dark and settled on an extremely creepy camp spot on an old road in a very still, dark, crackly forest.

Pilot Rock.

We went through a TON of private land today.

Ben on some private land.

Sunset? Already? The days are getting noticeably shorter...

Hello moon, yes, we are still hiking.

The wildfires of southern Oregon are still ablaze and producing enough smoke to make the atmosphere hazy and sunsets fabulous.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm not usually much of a beer drinker but your blog is giving me a major beer craving!