

Hetch Hetchy.
miles: 0


In case you didn't know, we refer to ourselves as "The Wolf Pack", or WP for short. This term is mysterious and we are not sure who first dubbed our group the wolf pack, or how/when/why... But it happened around mile 454 at the Saufley's home. Was it Lunchbox? I think so.

The Wolf Pack loosely consists of Rocky, myself, Chick-Chak, Starfox, Dr. Slosh, Smiles, Sour Cream and Lunchbox with close affiliates all over the trail. This is by no means a way of excluding other hikers from a secret group, but mostly a way to refer to the collective group of us easier (since we are typically always together OR searching for one another.)

A sad thing happened today. We received word from Sour Cream that he would not longer continue to hike the trail. He is Ottowa-bound and returning home very soon. Of course we are all VERY bummed by this disheartening news, seeing as we were tight team, a close family even, and we loved Sour Cream very much, but we must support him in his decision. He feels his journey is complete and will be returning to school in the fall. We wish him well.

Sad news aside... today was a fun road trip day. We left Evergreen Lodge at a leisurely hour, visited Hetch Hetchy in the early afternoon (WOW) and continued north to South Lake Tahoe, where we would be dropped off that evening.

Hot day. Hetch Hetchy was quite the spectacle!

It was sad to say goodbye to Ben's mom and bro. They drove us right up South Lake Tahoe, where we would be staying with Dr. Slosh and Smiles in their friends cabin. Chik-Chak had, literally, just hitched in as well from Ebbets Pass due to a nagging knee pain, so we were looking forward to seeing her.

It had been such a wonderful trip - SO SO SO SO SO WONDERFUL. THANK YOU AGAIN, Lisa for everything - the quality beers that made the traveling team, the lodge experience, the delicious meals, for coming out and spending time with us! Also - if you are reading this Nate - it was so so so good to see you!!

How fun.

Hetch Hetchy Resevoir.

Nate on the Dam.

Dizzying view - I want to go down that staircase.

Ben, Nate and Lisa.


The dinner still life we walked into upon arriving at the South Lake Tahoe dream home - Thank you Dr. Slosh, I was not expecting to have fresh corn or asparagus.
 It was so good to see everyone again! Especially Angela (CHIK CHAK!) I had missed her so.

Sad to say goodbye to Lisa and Nate, hopefully we will see them again soon.

Dr. Slosh, Rocky and Chick Chak grabbing some chicken.


MIKE said...

glory. hole. center.

Unknown said...

...next to the Glory Hole Recreation Area. Not joking. Didn't get a photo.